Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Special election update

The timeline is set for the special election process to replace Sen Dick Day.

Dec 28th 6pm The endorsing convention will be held at the Elk's Club in Faribault.  Each candidate will have  a chance to address the delegates and make their case about being the best candidate.  It is important to note that the delegates and alternates for the convention will be those elected in Feb 2008.

Dec 23rd-Dec 29th Filing season is open for the race.  Candidates need to understand that if more than one candidate files with the Sec State as a Republican, there will have to be a primary election as well.  Candidates who file but are not endorsed are strongly encouraged to withdraw their candidacy affidavit with the Sec State.

Jan 12th Primary election only if needed

Jan 26th Special election day

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Special Election

Update-Mike Parry is officially running.

Well, Steele County politics got turned upside down this morning with the announcement by Sen Dick Day that he will be resigning to pursue the Racino idea that he has championed over the last several years.  Aside from the political implications of having a dedicated and passionate man like Sen Day spearheading the Racino bill next session, it also means that there will be a special election to fill his seat.

Senate District 26 covers all of Steele County, and part of Waseca and Rice.  It also crosses over the 1st and 2nd Congressional Districts, all of which means that this will be an involved process.  What we know at this point is this-

-The governor will call for a special election at a date to be determined.  State law requires at least 28 days before holding it, but the legislative session starts Feb 4th, which means the election will most likely be held sometime in mid-January.

-Several candidates have expressed strong interest in running for the GOP endorsement so far this morning, which will happen at an endorsing convention.

-This will be the only election happening in Minnesota until next year's primaries, which means we can expect a good deal of media interest from outside the district.

-This election has the potential to be a great organizing event for Steele County Republicans, as we will move from the endorsing convention (early Jan?) to the special election (mid Jan?) to the precinct caucuses to the county convention.

No word yet on any DFL candidates, but I would expect to see them coming out quickly.

More updates will be posted here and on as they become available.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Congressman Walz and health care

From the Owatonna People's Press-

While the media reports on angry town hall meetings around the country on the health care reform bill, Southern Minnesota residents should be asking one question: Where is our Congressman? With Rep. Walz home for the August recess, it seems logical that we the constituents would have a chance to meet with our congressman and express our opinions on this drastic legislation. But the congressman’s Web site shows no public meetings coming up, and an Internet search shows no public appearances for Rep Walz in the near future.

The proposed health care reform is, to say the least, extremely controversial. It would bring huge changes to the health care industry, and there are dozens of questions that have yet to be answered. The most important such question is this: If this plan is so good for America, why haven’t any congressmen committed to putting themselves and their families on this radical plan? In 17 years in the military, I have learned one rock solid rule about leadership: Never send your soldiers to do a job that you would not be willing to do yourself.

Congressman Walz will vote next month on a health care plan for America that he appears to be unwilling to submit his own family to. If Congressman Walz truly believes in this plan, he should use his experience in the Army to demonstrate his belief, and lead from the front.

Dave Thul
Co-chair, Steele County GOP

Friday, August 7, 2009

No town hall meetings for Walz?

So says a letter writer to the Austin Daily Herald-
"I called the office of Congressman Tim Walz and learned that he will not be holding town hall meetings during the August recess. Walz’s office said town hall meetings are not constructive; he is holding targeted meetings instead."

Suddenly, town hall meetings are not constructive? Sounds like someone is afraid to hear what the voters think of Obamacare.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Where is Congressman Walz?

The US House of Representatives are on their August recess, home to talk to constituents about important bills, notably the Health Care Reform bill, popularly known as Obamacare.

While other congressmen are holding townhall meetings across the country, Congressman Walz has none scheduled. His website lists no public events coming up, and calls to his Mankato office get a response of 'no information available at this time'.

Congressman Walz has asked residents to call or write him, but given that he is back in Minnesota for almost a month, is it too much to ask to be able to ask him a question in person?

Friday, July 24, 2009

26B candidate

Former Medford mayor announces candidacy

From the Owatonna People's Press-

MEDFORD — Former Medford Mayor Dan Kaiser announced Thursday that he would seek the Republican nomination for the District 26B seat in the 2010 legislative election.

Kaiser, who did not seek a third term as Medford mayor last year, announced his candidacy for the Minnesota House of Representatives in a statement released to the press.

“Minnesota faces many challenges while also providing great opportunities, and I believe I can make a difference by serving in the Minnesota Legislature,” Kaiser said in the statement.

District 26B includes eastern and southern Steele County, as well as the Steele County communities of Medford, Blooming Prairie and Ellendale, southern Rice County, and the communities of Faribault and Morristown. The legislative seat is currently held by Rep. Patti Fritz, DFL-Faribault.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Issues survey

Tell us what you think.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Poll numbers on the budget showdown

The StarTribune Instant Poll is showing a slight edge towards the DFL solution for the budget in raising taxes, 44% to 40%

The Owatonna People's Press however, showed today a 2-1 margin of support for no new taxes, 64% to 34%.

Of course these are informal and non-scientific numbers, but they give a sense of where Owatonna stands in relation to the rest of the state.

The budget shortfall

Courtesy of the Owatonna People's Press-

As the budget crisis in Minnesota has crested and is now in full flood stage, it is interesting to note that much like the federal government sitting on a significant source of revenue via drilling for oil in ANWR, Minnesota has spent a decade sitting on its own untapped source of revenue-casino gambling.

Sen Dick Day has been calling for a full casino at Canterbury Downs for a decade, which would have generated at least 100 million dollars each year for the last 10 years.

Governor Pawlenty tried to involve the Native American tribes in 2005 by offering an Indian run casino in the metro area that would also pay taxes to the state, likely adding 100 million to state coffers every year.

Both ideas have been shot down by the DFL. Both ideas would have generated hundreds of millions of dollars for the state budget. Both ideas would have collected tax revenue from people who voluntarily choose to gamble. Both ideas would have created hundreds if not thousands of new jobs.

As the DFL spins the outcome of the budget with stories of public libraries closing, police laid off and poor people dying for lack of medical coverage, please keep in mind that there were other options available for solving Minnesota's budget that didn't involve raising taxes.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Tea Party petition delivered

Yesterday, after nearly a month of emails and phone calls, I finally got to meet with Congressman Walz to give him over 150 signatures of his constituents asking that the stimulus bill be repealed and that Congress stop bailing out private businesses. Whether or not he acts on the message we delivered, he certainly can't say that he didn't hear us.

The next Tea Party in Owatonna is tentatively scheduled for Wednesday, July 1st in Central Park.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Tea Party Pictures

If you have pictures of the Tea Party, send them to to add them to this page.

Owatonna Tea Party

The Owatonna People's Press gave us a front page story leading up to the Tax Day Tea Party in Central Park this evening. Will you show up tonight to help write the story that will appear in tomorrow's paper?

Bring a sign, bring a flag, bring a friend, but make sure you bring your voice!

Monday, April 13, 2009


Join us in Owatonna's Central Park on Wednesday from 5-6pm to show Congress that we've had enough of massive government spending. This is not a partisan event! Both political parties have demonstrated their ability to spend our tax money of frivolous projects.

If you have never been to a protest/rally before, don't be intimidated. All you have to do is show up and share your voice and opinion. If you want, bring a sign. Bring a US flag to wave. Stop by for five minutes or stay for the hour. But don't wait for the next election to make your voice heard! The country may be bankrupt by then.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Owatonna Tea Party

We're on the map, literally.

Monday, March 30, 2009

Stop the spending spree!

It's official, Owatonna will be standing with other cities around the state and nation to host a Tax Day Tea Party on April 15th. Come join your friends and neighbors from 5-6pm in Central Park in Owatonna. Find out just how much the government is spending and what you can do to help stop the incredible spending spree our government is on.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

New facebook group

The Steele County GOP has a Facebook group. Just search Steele GOP on Facebook and anyone can join. If you don't have a Facebook account, it's simple and easy to get started. Go to and connect with friends, family, and all sorts of people with the same interests as you.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Steele County Blog

This blog will serve as the companion to the Steele County Republican website located at